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The Artist's Calling Online Course
Welcome and Introduction (1:47)
Module 1: Clear the Confusion
1.1 The Five Fallcies (16:28)
1.2 The Three Voices of Distraction (7:50)
1.3 The Four Dysfunctional Echoes (10:38)
Module 2: Establish Your Identity
2.1 Your Spiritual Foundation (6:41)
2.2 Your Spiritual Calling (8:47)
2.3 Your Artistic Calling (11:53)
Module 3: Discover Your Unique Calling
3.1 Finding Your Unique Voice (16:55)
3.2 Finding Your Unique Design (12:05)
3.3 Finding Your Unique Season (15:04)
Module 4: Mastering the Journey
4.1 Identity, Community & Spiritual Growth (9:40)
4.2 Preaching to Your Heart (7:07)
4.3 Freedom in Christ & Your Creativity (7:19)
4.4 Emotionally Healthy Artist (4:30)
Bonus 1: The Artist's Calling Assessment Matrix (15:48)
Bonus 2: Personal Mentoring Session (1:05)
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4.4 Emotionally Healthy Artist
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